Alexander Eastman Foundation- Community Grants

The Alexander Eastman Foundation is focused on health and community wellness. Its comprehensive interest extends to healthcare, mental health, dental care, developmental and rehabilitative services, health and wellness promotion, education, disease and accident prevention, nutrition, and wellness. The foundation aims to support the capital, special projects, and operations needs of qualifying organizations through grant support influenced by collaborative planning with local service providers.

Type of Support


The grant program by the Alexander Eastman Foundation is designed to address broad goals in health and community wellness, with a specific focus on health care access, mental health care access, obesity, and hunger based on recent community feedback. This program prioritizes education, family systems, and access by funding activities that provide health improvement information, support healthy lifestyles, strengthen family units, and expand healthcare access to those in financial need. Grants are aimed at supporting programs that serve the foundation's priority interests, particularly those that improve the health and well-being of the greater Derry area residents through a commitment to prevention, health promotion, and the education of both consumers and providers.


Organization's Location
veniam officia
Program Location
duis ullamco consequat voluptate veniam consequat id
Organization Type
Irure sint fugiat cillum deserunt elit dolore
Officia non
  • aliqua irure sint culpa occaecat laborum
  • quis pariatur aliquip consequat commodo Lorem ut minim incididunt commodo in aliqua Lorem cillum dolor


Ipsum dolore irure et commodo et tempor laboris laborum
Lorem veniam laborum anim consectetur eu elit in labore esse officia ipsum consectetur amet magna
Anim aute est veniam culpa ea cupidatat ipsum aliqua elit laboris occaecat cillum id
Fugiat esse minim cillum nisi fugiat
Veniam duis fugiat amet magna velit voluptate
not specified


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