Phibro Animal Health Excellence in Poultry Research Award

From American Association of Avian Pathologists

The American Association of Avian Pathologists (AAAP) aims to advance scientific knowledge to improve poultry health, well-being, and productivity, thereby ensuring a safe and abundant global food supply. Since its inception in 1957, AAAP has served as a platform for those involved in avian disease research and management, facilitating knowledge exchange through conferences, publications, and educational materials, while also supporting the next generation of poultry medicine specialists through scholarships and awards.

Type of Support


The Phibro Animal Health Excellence in Poultry Research Award, administered by the AAAP, acknowledges a member's sustained excellence in poultry disease and health research over two decades or more. With a prize of $1,000, the award supports those who contribute significantly to the field, continuing the legacy of the former Pfizer Excellence in Poultry Research Award.


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