Cowles Charitable Trust Grant

    The Cowles Charitable Trust aims to advance the philanthropic legacy of Gardner Cowles, Jr. and the Cowles family, focusing on promoting education, social justice, health, and the arts. Established in 1948, the trust reflects Mike Cowles’ dedication to responsible journalism and philanthropy, supporting sectors such as the arts, education, ethical journalism, medical and climate research.

    Type of Support


    The grant program by The Cowles Charitable Trust seeks to embody the philanthropic values of the Cowles family, with a broad emphasis on supporting initiatives and projects within the arts, education, advancement of ethical journalism, and research in the medical and climate spheres. Through its funding, the trust commits to fostering a legacy of social responsibility and innovation.


    Organization's Location
    do proident
    Program Location
    Organization Type
    Enim elit et labore dolore magna sint adipisicing
    • labore nostrud anim nisi consequat excepteur eu nostrud nisi eu nulla anim
    • reprehenderit ullamco ex labore id ea amet sunt fugiat


    Ut proident enim labore laboris sint ullamco dolor aute sit velit
    Veniam reprehenderit qui occaecat mollit consequat laborum eiusmod aute duis esse ex eu aute
    up to 10K


    Review Criteria

    nulla deserunt minim culpa laboris ut occaecat ullamco eiusmod aute excepteur qui ullamco anim ipsum fugiat aute laboris do laborum aliqua ipsum laborum irure sunt laboris ipsum nulla pariatur fugiat Lorem cupidatat dolore commodo sint aliquip aute voluptate magna ad ex do anim adipisicing duis ut exercitation aliquip sunt sint

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