The World Future Fund is dedicated to conducting research and educating the public on the importance of a greater commitment to investing in the future, aiming to address the imbalance of borrowing from the future at an unsustainable pace. Established in 1995, it monitors long-term trends to promote building for a real future.
The grant program by the World Future Fund focuses on supporting organizations that align with their vision of creating significant changes towards a sustainable and equitable future. They look to fund areas where they believe other organizations have better organization or efficiency than their own direct initiatives, making the grant an effective tool for change. The fund places a strong emphasis on transforming society into a more social democratic form, similar to models in Germany or Norway, which includes advocating for government services that protect citizens, addressing child poverty, reducing incarceration rates, and implementing universal health insurance. A specific cause they support is the integration of labor union representatives on corporate boards to ensure a fairer representation of workers' rights.
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