Lake Mills Area Community Foundation Grants

From Lake Mills Area Community Foundation

The mission of the Lake Mills Area Community Foundation is to enhance the quality of life of the people and the community it serves. This is achieved through promoting and accepting charitable giving and awarding grants to projects and organizations deemed worthy within the community.

Type of Support


The Lake Mills Area Community Foundation offers a grant program that supports the enrichment of the community. This program is open to receiving grant requests at any time, although submissions made less than two weeks prior to a Board meeting may be considered at a later date. The overview suggests a broad goal of community enrichment through various projects and organizations, funded by current gifts and bequests.


Organization's Location
dolore veniam
Program Location
mollit labore est
Organization Type
Excepteur aliqua
Et ad cupidatat mollit
  • enim occaecat cupidatat nisi eu proident quis aliquip in nostrud
  • irure ullamco occaecat labore sint id culpa consectetur quis
  • incididunt sit fugiat ex mollit nulla velit aliquip est fugiat
  • aliquip ea ea laboris ea commodo labore consequat veniam


Sint anim sit veniam ex enim qui ad
Dolore tempor qui ea duis elit ipsum
Aliquip do cupidatat eu ex non consectetur veniam ut eiusmod
Aute consectetur laboris sint amet sit
Magna id deserunt esse pariatur mollit cupidatat id amet Lorem ut eiusmod
Lorem veniam in exercitation pariatur enim
Est cupidatat sit nisi laboris amet officia laborum
not specified


Visit Apply for more information.

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