MCDARF: Mini-Grants

From Mary Chilton DAR Foundation

The mission of the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR) and its affiliated Mary Chilton DAR Foundation is broadly focused on the advancement of American patriotism, education, historic preservation, and genealogical activities. Through support and funding, they aim to promote historical interest, the preservation of historic memorabilia, the study and understanding of American history, heritage, institutions, traditions, and the ideals of patriotism, democracy, and liberty.

Type of Support


The Mini-Grant program offers financial support in amounts of less than $1,000 for small projects where completing a regular grant application may be impractical. Its broad goals include promoting historical interest, preserving historic memorabilia, supporting local museums and their programs, and advancing ideals of patriotism and democratic ideals through various means such as traveling programs, speakers, contests, and educational opportunities. Additionally, it aims to support the study and recording of genealogical data, citizen naturalization programs, and the expansion of genealogical libraries. Successful projects under this grant are expected to make a tangible contribution towards promoting American patriotism, education, historic preservation, or genealogical activities, aligning with the purposes of the NSDAR, the Chapter, and the Foundation.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
Organization Type


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