MCDARF: Regular Grants

From Mary Chilton DAR Foundation

The mission of the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR) and its affiliated Mary Chilton DAR Foundation is broadly focused on the advancement of American patriotism, education, historic preservation, and genealogical activities. Through support and funding, they aim to promote historical interest, the preservation of historic memorabilia, the study and understanding of American history, heritage, institutions, traditions, and the ideals of patriotism, democracy, and liberty.

Type of Support


Regular Grants, offering amounts between $1,000 and $15,000, are exclusively for recipients located in South Dakota and for projects within the state. These grants aim to advance historical interest, the preservation of historic memorabilia and significance, genealogical activities, understanding of American history, heritage, institutions, or traditions, and the ideals of patriotism, democracy, and liberty. Specifically, they support museums, historical societies, and libraries, providing seed money for innovative programs, including action and research projects. Grant projects may involve promoting historical interest, supporting local museums and their programs, promoting patriotism and democratic ideals, enhancing genealogical studies, supporting citizen naturalization programs, and providing unique educational opportunities. The Foundation is open to a range of activities aligned with these themes, and encourages applicants to submit innovative ideas for funding consideration, aiming for a genuine contribution to the fields of patriotism, education, historic preservation, or genealogical activities.


Organization's Location
Program Location


Students seeking scholarships
Organizations running capital campaigns, multi-year projects or renewals, and those needing funds for general operating budgets or endowments
Entities planning to use funds for administrative costs
Those intending to fund lobbying, political campaigns, attempting to influence legislation or public elections, or conducting voter registration drives
Groups aiming to use funds for purposes prohibited by law or specified in Section 4945 of the Internal Revenue Code.
1k – 15k


Review Criteria

The Foundation places special emphasis on proposals where funding from the Foundation is complemented by support from other entities, including donations of goods or services. Moreover, the Foundation prioritizes grant projects that include active engagement from individuals within the applicant's community.