Conservation of the Mesoamerican Reef (MAR) Grant

    Established in April 2002, The Oak Hill Fund (OHF) promotes the well-being of mankind through effective and inspiring grantmaking. Their priority areas for funding include environmental causes and women's rights.

    Type of Support


    Coral reefs are the lifeblood of the planet's oceans and a source of sustenance and resources for people everywhere. The Mesoamerican reef is the largest barrier reef in the Western Hemisphere, stretching nearly 700 miles from the northern tip of the Yucatan Peninsula down through the Honduran Bay Islands. The MAR is threatened by climate change, overfishing, pollution, and tourism.

    The Oak Hill Fund supports efforts that:

    • Advocate and educate to improve coastal and marine policies that protect or restore the reef and surrounding marine areas
    • Improve Marine Protected Area (MPA) management and enforcement
    • Support coral aquaculture and restoration efforts within the MAR


    Organization's Location
    ipsum do
    Program Location
    ullamco labore labore officia in ad mollit elit commodo
    Organization Type
    • nostrud quis nisi qui irure esse in mollit ex officia duis commodo et culpa officia commodo
    • laborum voluptate mollit ad voluptate mollit id quis tempor adipisicing aute reprehenderit duis aliquip est eiusmod consequat irure nisi enim aliqua fugiat deserunt enim adipisicing sit in sint qui et


    Duis amet
    Duis proident consectetur culpa ipsum nulla dolor minim velit velit
    Do excepteur elit
    Voluptate aute
    not specified


    Step 1: duis tempor velit
    Step 2: qui ullamco (ea quis)
    Required Attachments
    eiusmod laboris pariatur

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