Conservation of the Mesoamerican Reef (MAR) Grant

Established in April 2002, The Oak Hill Fund (OHF) promotes the well-being of mankind through effective and inspiring grantmaking. Their priority areas for funding include environmental causes and women's rights.

Type of Support


Coral reefs are the lifeblood of the planet's oceans and a source of sustenance and resources for people everywhere. The Mesoamerican reef is the largest barrier reef in the Western Hemisphere, stretching nearly 700 miles from the northern tip of the Yucatan Peninsula down through the Honduran Bay Islands. The MAR is threatened by climate change, overfishing, pollution, and tourism.

The Oak Hill Fund supports efforts that:

  • Advocate and educate to improve coastal and marine policies that protect or restore the reef and surrounding marine areas
  • Improve Marine Protected Area (MPA) management and enforcement
  • Support coral aquaculture and restoration efforts within the MAR


Organization's Location
Program Location
The Mesoamerican Reef region of Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico
Organization Type
  • The Oak Hill Fund prefers project-specific requests in lieu of requests for general operating support. 
  • The Oak Hill Fund supports overhead (administrative and fundraising expenses) required for the proposed project. Additional overhead, such as often established by colleges and universities, will not be considered.


Capital campaigns
Bricks and mortar projects (excluding clinics under the WRHRJ Program)
Books or films
Research projects
not specified


Step 1: Letter of Inquiry
Step 2: Full proposal (invite only)
Required Attachments
Letter of Inquiry (LOI)