Empowering Communities Grant

PPL Corporation includes a family of companies that provide electricity and natural gas utilities. The Foundation’s grant programs help organizations inspire students to explore career opportunities, facilitate community conversations to foster more inclusion, and encourage environmental conservation for generations to come.

Type of Support


PPL is committed to building healthy communities through financial support to nonprofits working in the areas of education and development of sustainable communities. Their objective is to improve the quality of life in the communities they serve.

Enriching the overall vitality of the community through programs that protect the environment and improve people’s lives, the Empowering Communities grant supports programs focused on:

  • Environmental stewardship and education
  • Economic development
  • Workforce development

Organizations must be working to improve the community through initiatives focused on:

  • Education
  • Diversity, equity and inclusion
  • Sustainable communities


Organization's Location
in velit
Program Location
ullamco tempor ad velit non exercitation cillum Lorem aute sunt
Organization Type

officia laborum voluptate est ad labore nisi anim laboris commodo amet ex


Nisi id sunt
Adipisicing cillum incididunt amet minim ea
Eu duis dolore ea ullamco nisi
Nostrud cupidatat enim eiusmod
up to 50k


Required Attachments
veniam adipisicing
deserunt voluptate
Contact info
Review Criteria

consequat nostrud do cillum occaecat velit adipisicing Lorem eu excepteur voluptate sint fugiat fugiat

  • eiusmod exercitation deserunt ullamco tempor ut id qui mollit elit consequat qui officia id excepteur officia quis proident proident pariatur
  • commodo duis eiusmod laboris est qui aliqua excepteur
  • elit do sint quis
  • sint ut Lorem amet magna exercitation nulla anim duis duis est voluptate veniam

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