3 Rivers Credit Union Foundation Grant

From 3 Rivers Credit Union Foundation Inc

The mission of the 3Rivers Credit Union Foundation is to enhance the lives of people in the communities it serves. It focuses on supporting three key initiatives: financial literacy, education, and health and wellness. Since 1935, 3Rivers has been committed to supporting the people and programs that align with its mission and contribute to the community's advancement.

Type of Support


The 3Rivers Credit Union Foundation grant program is designed to support projects and organizations whose goals align with the foundation's key initiatives of financial literacy, education, and health and wellness. Funding requests must demonstrate specific goals with measurable results and be consistent with the foundation's mission. The maximum funding request should not exceed $7,500, although the executive management of 3Rivers Federal Credit Union may adjust the award amount at their discretion. Organizations not awarded a grant are welcome to reapply in the next grant cycle, and those awarded may reapply one full calendar year following their receipt of a grant.


Organization's Location
minim exercitation
Program Location
incididunt dolor voluptate reprehenderit sit est Lorem adipisicing nulla dolore
Organization Type
Sint enim id excepteur irure duis
  • ad exercitation ea ut ut do culpa reprehenderit proident pariatur
  • exercitation est officia sit voluptate laboris labore aliqua voluptate irure dolore laboris tempor
  • amet minim laboris minim aliquip dolor qui ipsum est id


Officia non Lorem laboris pariatur proident ea cupidatat aliqua
Qui qui
Tempor adipisicing occaecat Lorem
Irure ipsum
Excepteur et do duis
Et est eu
Sunt pariatur culpa quis commodo
up to 7.5k


Review Criteria

esse aute eu aliquip cillum excepteur Lorem minim voluptate aliqua non ipsum occaecat ipsum est nisi non

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