At Adient, we take pride in the communities in which we work and live. Simply put, working collaboratively and building long-lasting relationship with our neighbors is the right thing to do.
Funding Priorities:
Health & Social Service
Assistance to federated drives, e.g., United Way, hospitals, youth agencies and other health and human service agencies.
Ordinarily, operating support of health and social service agencies is reserved for Adient communities, and generally directed through contributions to United Way.
Contributions in this category will be made to public and private higher educational institutions, including two-year and four-year colleges, universities, graduate schools, professional schools, and technical schools, that are accredited by an accrediting agency recognized by the United States Office of Education; alumni funds, foundations, or associations connected with an eligible higher education institution, if all such contributions are transmitted to the institution for its use for scholastic programs; and national or regional associations supporting higher education. Grants may be made to qualifying public preschools, elementary schools, and secondary schools, but may not be made to any such private schools.
Culture and the Arts
The Foundation recognizes that arts and cultural activities enrich the quality of life in communities. To assist such programs, it will consider contributions to visual and performing, public radio and television, museums, and other related cultural activities.
Civic Activities
Assistance to programs in the areas of justice and law, community and neighborhood improvements, the environment, civil rights and equal opportunity, citizenship and safety.
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