Make It Better Foundation Grant

The Cousins Subs Make It Better Foundation is committed to continuing the legacy of giving back to the communities it serves. Established in 2013 with the mission to Believe in Better, the foundation aims to improve the general welfare of communities by focusing on health & wellness, hunger, and youth education.

Type of Support


The Cousins Subs Make It Better Foundation offers grants to organizations that work within its three focus areas: health & wellness, hunger, and youth education. Since its inception, the foundation has contributed over $800,000 towards initiatives that support these vital community needs. The grant program is designed to extend Cousins Subs’ dedication to making a positive difference-beyond selling quality subs-through substantial support to organizations that align with their key areas of interest.


Organization's Location
do consequat
Program Location
non tempor incididunt voluptate eiusmod mollit Lorem exercitation enim ea
Organization Type
Magna nostrud deserunt quis incididunt incididunt
  • amet mollit ad nostrud mollit amet officia officia excepteur ea ad


Consequat sint cillum non qui eiusmod aliqua laboris excepteur nulla exercitation cupidatat
not specified


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