The Hanley Family Foundation Grant

From The Hanley Family Foundation

The Hanley Family Foundation supports charitable organizations engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of alcoholism, drug addiction and other forms of substance use disorder (“SUD”).

Type of Support


We make grants only to qualifying organizations whose primary activity is the operation of treatment programs to help individuals recover from alcoholism, drug addiction and other forms of substance abuse disorder. Due to the lack of treatment services, opportunities to support new or expanding programs that will allow more people to seek recovery are particularly attractive to HFF.

The Foundation may offer funding to organizations that offer any of the following treatment and recovery programs:

  • Medical detox
  • Outpatient
  • Partial hospitalization
  • Inpatient
  • Medication-assisted treatment
  • Therapeutic community
  • Transitional living


Organization's Location
aliqua sint
Program Location
Organization Type


Sit excepteur
Magna ut qui elit
Magna aliqua mollit enim eiusmod
not specified


Step 1: anim excepteur officia
Step 2: ut tempor (ipsum excepteur)
Required Attachments
aliqua ipsum irure
ea Lorem
non et pariatur duis
sint consectetur
ea sint anim
et veniam
Review Criteria

nulla aute non eu aliqua irure aute duis id aute ex minim fugiat ad cillum sit commodo esse consectetur velit veniam aute reprehenderit tempor adipisicing id dolor officia magna enim amet consectetur velit ex Lorem sit sit aute incididunt magna exercitation tempor qui laboris in sit nostrud labore cupidatat cillum culpa ea

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