Wightman Wieber Foundation Grant

From Michelle Wightman Karrie Wieber Charitable Foundation

Founded in memory of Michelle Wightman and Karrie Wieber, who tragically died in 1989, the Wightman/Wieber Charitable Foundation works to create a lasting legacy that benefits Sandusky/Erie County. It aims to be a generous resource fostering community, family, and child welfare since its inception in 2000.

Type of Support


The Wightman Wieber Foundation Grant program focusses on a broad scope of needs within Erie County, spanning Arts and Humanities, Community Development, Education, Environment, Health and Social Services, and Youth Services. It looks for projects that:

  • Promote cooperation and prevent duplication of services across Erie County organizations.
  • Improve organizational abilities to better serve the community.
  • Can leverage further resources and have the potential for sustainability through diverse financial support.
  • Deliver significant advantages to the community, focusing on reaching a wide audience and the underserved. Grant awards start at $1,000, with most falling between $1,000 and $20,000, and are typically designated for one-year terms.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
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Organization Type
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1k – 20k


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