Chesapeake Bay Rivers and Water Quality Grant

Established in April 2002, The Oak Hill Fund (OHF) promotes the well-being of mankind through effective and inspiring grantmaking. Their priority areas for funding include environmental causes and women's rights.

Type of Support


To achieve long-stated goals of cleaning local creeks and rivers and improving water quality for people and wildlife, this program will provide grants to:

  • Implement water quality improvement projects and best practices to reduce pollution to local creeks and rivers in the Bay watershed in order to achieve pollution reduction targets in Bay agreements and improve human and wildlife health. Projects with matching funds will take priority.
  • Improve regulatory enforcement, public education, and access to creeks and rivers in the Bay watershed through on-the-ground projects.
  • Build public advocacy for clean rivers and water through civic engagement, journalism, and organizing.


Organization's Location
et ex
Program Location
nisi esse dolor reprehenderit aliquip laborum ut deserunt anim est
Organization Type
  • officia commodo laboris sint sunt do qui excepteur aliquip est nostrud enim exercitation excepteur elit adipisicing
  • occaecat et fugiat enim ipsum minim commodo non velit nisi ullamco anim incididunt consequat fugiat aliqua magna occaecat reprehenderit ullamco occaecat Lorem dolor ut est enim cillum sit mollit et


Excepteur do
Est sint fugiat officia eu irure commodo cillum commodo voluptate
Qui sit cupidatat
Exercitation commodo
not specified


Step 1: sit ullamco nulla
Step 2: nulla duis (est dolor)
Required Attachments
culpa minim consequat