Mary Reynolds Babcock Foundation Grant

The Babcock Foundation aims to elevate people and places out of poverty towards greater social and economic justice. It emphasizes the importance of civic engagement, supportive policies and institutions, and economic opportunities as critical pathways to achieve this goal. It envisions a diverse and prosperous South, where everyone's voices are heard and valued, leadership mirrors community demographics, and systems of white supremacy and inequality are dismantled. Its commitment is towards a society where all individuals have access to essential resources, participatory democracy, and an environment free from harm.

Type of Support


The grant program supports nonprofit organizations dedicated to aiding individuals and communities to transcend poverty and promote social and economic justice. It invites applications from eligible organizations that align with its vision and mission, focusing on creating a more equitable, democratic, and inclusive society. The foundation reviews proposals bi-annually and seeks partners who adopt practices and solutions that are equitable, community-centered, democracy-enhancing, and willing to take risks for advancing justice.


Organization's Location
velit consequat
Program Location
labore laboris et aute ex laboris ea consectetur ex velit
Organization Type
not specified


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