MCF: Grants for Recreation, Arts, Festivals, Events, and Sponsorships

From Middletown Community Foundation

The Middletown Community Foundation aims to secure permanent and growing assets to meet the area's changing needs. Since its inception in 1976, and after becoming a standalone foundation in 1986, its mission has been to serve as a perpetual community endowment. The foundation funds projects, programs, and scholarships that benefit education, the arts, and human needs across Franklin, Madison, Monroe, Trenton, and Middletown, focusing on creating and executing initiatives that address immediate community needs and offering donors a variety of tax-deductible options to support the community's development.

Type of Support


The grant program encourages collaborative projects with multiple funding sources to make efficient use of philanthropic dollars and to promote cooperation among various service providers. It aims to meet specific community needs rather than merely supporting individual organizations. The grant seeks projects that help create safe, positive living environments, enable families to develop necessary skills and resources, and foster the development of responsible young people within the community.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
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Organization Type
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Visit Apply for more information.

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