Transformational Partnerships Fund Grants

From Transformational Partnership Fund

The mission of the Transformational Partnerships Fund is to support colleges and universities in exploring partnerships and collaborations that could fundamentally transform their operational approaches, with a focus on solutions that prioritize student stability and success.

Type of Support


The grant program offers catalytic grants of up to $100,000 for colleges and universities to explore a variety of partnership forms. This exploration can range from shared administrative services and consolidated academic offerings to full mergers. The funds are intended to be used for engaging third-party technical assistance providers with expertise in areas such as law, finance, governance, fundraising, human resources, and more. This initiative aims to facilitate explorations that lead to transformative collaborations, emphasizing efficiency and enhanced educational outcomes.


Organization's Location
Program Location
Organization Type
Private nonprofit colleges
Public universities or systems
Community colleges
For-profit institutions (in exceptional situations)
  • Supports only the exploration of new partnerships between degree-granting institutions of higher education
  • Only considers partnerships that predominantly serve undergraduates
  • Supports out-of-pocket, one-time, external costs for exploring new partnerships; internal costs supported only in exceptional circumstances
  • Supports partnership explorations involving a single academic department only if it is the first stage in a broader institutional partnership discussion or involves a meaningful number of students (250+)
  • Considers pre-exploration "seed" grants for membership groups to convene participants for exploring standalone partnerships
  • Participants of standalone partnerships must have been introduced by or are members of a membership group


Single institutions
Partnerships with a pre-decided implementation
Ongoing programs, even involving multiple institutions
Partnerships extending activities of an already existing multi-institution collaborative/membership group/network
Partnerships involving only faith-serving institutions.
up to 100k


Review Criteria

TPF gives priority to collaborations that meet the following conditions:

  • At least one of the organizations involved should cater to a student demographic where a minimum of 25% are people of color and/or 40% qualify for Pell grants based on financial need.
  • The collaborating entities must regard the alliance as groundbreaking, believing its completion would substantially benefit their operations.
  • The anticipated result of the partnership should significantly improve the experiences or results for the institutions’ current or prospective students.
  • The partnership is in an early phase of development, and TPF's backing would play a crucial role in guiding the institutions towards making informed and expedient decisions.

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